First I would like to point out that my sweet little man is wearing his St. Patty's Day hat in the picture to the right. It was taken shortly after he was born, and before I got to see him. His Grandma Mary (who's VERY Irish) put it on him and took his picture. It has always been one of my favorites. Well, yesterday, on St. Patty's Day, Kaden sent his Mommy and Daddy new hope for a baby to love. After trying fertility treatments from August to December, we decided to take a few months off and give me time to heal--physically and emotionally. I knew I was not ready to give up our dream of having a baby together, so I took the time to get serious about preparing my "old" body for a new baby. I started an organic diet, minimal meat, no processed foods, etc. etc. and I started taking some natural supplements that were suppose to increase egg quality and overall fertility health. So, this month we decided to try again....but with NO fertility drugs, and just do the IUI! As you can see.....it WORKED!!!
New baby Kuehl will be here approximately November 29, 2010! Just in time for the holidays! I have to say I was so dreading Kaden's 1st birthday coming and me not being pregnant...my little man knows my heart so well!!