Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Mommy's Letter to Daddy

Now that things for the most part have returned to normal--whatever "normal" is for a family that has lost a child, I want to say some things to my best friend that for one reason or another have recently gone unsaid. I am so thankful that you found me, that you love me and that we have Jess and Christopher and Logan. I have never known a love like the love you give to me. I KNOW, without hesitation, that I am your world. That there is no one that you love more than me, and no one that I love more than you. Just thinking of you makes my heart smile and when we are apart (ie:you go to work) it is crazy how much I miss you. I know I have been an emotional roller coaster ride, not myself since losing Kaden, but you hang in there and love me still (sometimes it has to be difficult). I know it hurts you when I am sad, and it is not my intention ever to cause you pain or make you upset. There are things that I have to work thru in my own time, and just know that when I get sad it is not because of you, or something that you have done, but because I really miss our little guy. I am already so blessed to have 3 great kids that I sometimes feel selfish that I want another one. But my desire to have a baby with you is so deep it consumes me. I know it will happen, I am just trying to be patient. Anyway, I want you to know how much I love you--not that "I love you" ever goes unsaid in our daily life. But when I say it, I really mean it....


  1. Kristi that is so beautiful. I think of you evreryday. You are always in my prayers. You and Craig are so lucky to have each other. Your love for each other is beautiful.

  2. Kristi, I think of you often and just felt like checking on ya. Our lives seem so similar. I too, love my husband dearly. What an awesome gift to your husband! .......Tomorrow, Ireland will have been gone for one month. How hard. This is all so unnatural. Our children are supposed to bury us. ...Anyway, know how you feel about wanting another baby. I love my son dearly, am greatful to God he's in my life....and with this, I want a baby with my husband. Mikey is a great stepdad and well, ....I know exactly where you're coming from. Plus, I'm 36 and when the dr told me today to wait a year...well, obviously that will not do. ......Just glad to read that you are loved so well.

  3. Kristi,

    Those are such nice words. We think about you and your family a lot and even though we haven't been in touch lately, you have a place in our hearts. We are praying that you and Craig will get pregnant again soon.
    Big hugs from the Uk.
